本作は、彼らのバンド名が表すように、様々な"海"の顔を想起させられる世界観が広がっている。オープニングの「Saltwater」はまさに荒波の海だ。美しいメロディーから、暴力的なエレクトロニック・サウンドに一気に変化し、そこにラップとシャウトが入り乱れていく。続く「Something Special」はポップな電子音に無機質なヴォーカルが重なりエキゾチックな雰囲気に...。また、轟音ギターと激しいシャウトが印象的な「Visions」は彼らのエナジーが激しくぶつけられた1曲だ。最後に穏やかなムードの「Shoreline」で煌びやかな朝の海のように、ゆっくりと、静かに、幕を閉じていくー。自らの音楽を"メランコリック・ポップス"と称する彼らは、ヒップ・ホップとエクスペリメンタル、メタル、エレクトロ、そしてここ東京での経験を融合させ、時代や流行に捉われないDIYなポップ・サウンドを確立したのだ。
(the) ocean and i is a 4 piece band in Tokyo underground formed by Nayokenza Robyn Oliver (Vocals / Production), Maryssa Lovejoy, (bass), Ernesto Salinas (drums), Late (Electronics) . "The Distance Between Us" released on 14th Aug, 2018 is their self-produced debut album following the 1st EP "An Ocean Alive" in 2017 and the 2nd EP released this year "Tidal".
In this work, as their band name, you can listen to various "oceans" vibes. The opening track "Saltwater" is exactly heavy waves. The beautiful melody is changed to violent electronic sound at once, the rap and shout goes through with it. Following "Something Special" is electronic pop with synthetic vocals. It is very exotic and moody. Also, "Visions" is a great song with aggressive guitar and strong shouts. You might feel their energy then. The closing, "Shoreline" is slow, quiet, and electronic sounding like the morning ocean. The band says their music is "melancholy pop" and, yes, actually they succeed to establish their own DIY pop music which is mixed with Hip-Hop, Experimental, Metal, Electro, and their own experiences here in Tokyo.
Listen here
Website : https://theoceanandi.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thocnndi
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoceanandi